
The class is the vocation of your character, their formal education or upbringing. Each class has specific starting equipment and starting capital, one time bonuses on certain skills as well as extraordinary skills, that are often also found apart from a class or are learnable in a different way,
but that each member of a class has from ground up.

If there are several options given, for example with the starting equipment or with the extraordinary skills or elsewhere, and if they are marked by an OR only one(!) may be chosen.

Furthermore you'll find with each class a column with “fitting traits”. You can mind those, but don't have to. To use an over simplified example: a NCR Ranger infantry man with the trait Faster Addiction has basically only trouble with it: most drugs are illegal in the NCR, on duty he has little
opportunity to get some and he'll lose his job if he gets caught with some. One could say this trait is useless to such a character. But players are welcome to try it themselves. If the character that you're planning works that way, is, as always, subject to a master's ruling.

This list is organized by theme – within the themes by alphabet. A word to the starting capital: The starting capital is not only the amount of money that your character has at the start of his first adventure: it's also the money used to begin with, to “buy” the further equipment of your character: from special items that are needed for his vocation to lucky charms to hobby accessories like musical instruments.

Concerning an own bed, an own apartment or similar, it's encouraged to anchor that in the character's history and agree on it with the master. Furthermore, there is only the most important set of clothes of your class given. Further clothes are bought with the starting capital. And if, for
example, with a uniform no socks and underwear are mentioned, well, that does not mean your character isn't issued one. Please assume that your character has at least one full set of clothes unless he is a poor beggar.


Warriors and fighters:

  • Bodyguard
  • Kopfgeldjäger
  • Caravan Guard
  • Mercenary
  • Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel
  • People's Guardsman (San Francisco)
  • Ranger of the New California Republic (Infantry or Cavalry)
  • Vault-City Guard


  • Burglar
  • Hitman
  • Pickpocket
  • Slave hunter
  • Slave trader

People persons:

  • Doctor
  • Entertainer
  • Medic
  • Preacher
  • Prostitute
  • Teacher


  • Courier
  • Junkie
  • Prize Fighter
  • Traveling musician
  • Traveling salesman: Free trader
  • Traveling salesman: Trading outfit


  • Carpenter
  • Electrician
  • Furrier
  • Hacker
  • Smith
  • Tailor

Wilderness dwellers:

  • Farmer
  • Hunter
  • Rancher
  • Trapper
  • Survivor


  • Hunter and Gatherer
  • Shaman
  • Warrior

Warriors and fighters:


Bodyguards have a vocation similar to that of caravan guards, in so much as both defend something with violence: there of course, end the similarities. Bodyguards are usually hired by very rich persons to protect themselves or people close to themselves. Bodyguards usually work in urban environments and usually prefer pistols, since that leaves one hand free to shove the principal aside while one self faces the danger.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Boxen OR Kung Fu
Cowboy OR Grunt
I <3 *This City*

+5 to unarmed, handguns, melee, athletics and sensual acuity

Bowie Knife OR Ka-Bar OR NCRR Combat Knife OR Machete OR Dao OR Wakizashi AND Club OR truncheon OR Steel pipe OR telescope-baton

Any handgun in 9 mm Luger, 10 mm Smith & Wesson, .45 ACP, .44 Magnum OR .44-40 Colt

A Set of leather clothing for the streets(Boots, pants, jacket or coat; armor rating like light leather, one of them like heavy leather) OR Leather clothes (Boots and pants, armor rating like light leather armor) and
light metal armor.

70 + 1 D6 * 20

One handed
Heavy Weight
Fast Shooter
Strong Willed

Bounty hunter:

Bounty Hunters are mostly found outside the great, established settlements with rule of law. In the NCR their function is usually taken over by police, outside the city states the Rangers do such work. In Vault-City they are as superfluous as inside the Brotherhood of Steel, but in the rougher, more lawless areas of the wasteland they can be found in great numbers. They are hired to find fleeing delinquents, dead or alive – though most prefer to bring them back dead.

Most bounty hunters (but by far not all of them) prefer classic Wild West weapons.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Boxen OR Judo OR Kung Fu
Cowboy OR Grunt
Home on the Road OR I <3 *This City*

+5 to Unarmed, handguns, rifles, Athletics, melee and sensual acuity

Bowie Knife OR Ka-Bar OR Machete

Sawn off
shotgun OR Colt 1911 OR .44 Magnum Revolver OR .45 ACP Revolver OR Peacemaker

OR „Tommy Gun“ OR Hunting rifle OR Revolver rifle OR Winchester 73 OR Hunting Shotgun OR Garand

A set of leather clothes for the street (boots, pants, jacket or coat; armor rating like light leather, one of them like heavy leather) OR leather clothing (boots and pants; armor rating like light leather armor) and heavy leather armor

Big back pack, water bottle, cheap binoculars

50 + 1 D6 * 20

Heavy Weight
Fast Shooter
Sharp Shooter
Strong willed
Boy scout (or girl scout)

Caravan Guard:

Caravan guards can be found pretty much everywhere in the wastes. Not only on the highways where they protect travelers and traveling salesmen, in cities and on market places too, where they protect settled merchants. Many cities and settlements even hire experienced caravan guards to
protect the peace and quiet.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Boxing OR Judo OR Kung Fu
Cowboy OR Grunt
Home on the Road OR I <3 *This City*

+5 to Unarmed, Handguns, Rifles, Athletics and sensual acuity

Bowie Knife OR Ka-Bar OR NCRR Combat knife OR Machete OR Hatchet

Sawn off shotgun OR 10 mm Pistol OR Colt 1911 OR Browning High-Power OR .44 Magnum Revolver OR .45 ACP Revolver OR Peacemaker

American 180
OR Mx4 Storm OR STEN OR „Tommy Gun“ OR Hunting rifle OR Revolver rifle OR Winchester 73 OR Hunting shotgun OR Garand

One set of leather clothes for the streets (Boots, pants, jacket or coat; armor value like light leather, one of them like heavy leather) OR leather clothing (boots and pants, armor rating like light leather armor) and
heavy leather armor OR leather clothing (boots and pants, armor rating like leather armor) and light metal armor.

Big back pack, water bottle, cheap binoculars

50 + 1 D6 * 20

Heavy Weight
Fast Shooter
Sharp Shooter
Strong willed
Boy scout (or girl scout)


Mercenaries are found quite often in the Wastes. Most of them operating in small to middle sized groups. Some are barely distinguishable from Raiders, others have specialized on rescue operations; some are scum, others nearly paragons of virtue. A broad specter of possibilities for both player and master.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Boxing OR Judo OR Kung-Fu
Cowboy OR Grunt OR SF² AND Energy weapons

+5 to handguns, Rifles, Heavy weapons, melee, unarmed, tactics, trade/haggle

If Cowboy was chosen: Sawn off OR leftover recycler OR Peacemaker OR .44 Magnum Revolver OR Winchester Pistol AND Revolver rifle OR Winchester 73 OR Widowmaker AND 3 Sicks of Dynamite

Grunt was chosen: 10 mm pistol OR Colt 1911 OR Desert Eagle OR Browning High-Power OR MAC-10 AND STEN OR Grease Gun OR Hunting Shotgun OR AR 15 OR AK-112 AND 2 Frag grenades AND 1 smoke grenade

If SF² was chosen: Laser pistol (civilian version) AND Laser rifle AND 1 plasma grenade

Heavy leather armor OR light metal armor AND boots

80 + 1D10 * 10$

Sharp shooter
Hobby = KABLAMM!

Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel:

The Paladins of the brotherhood of steel are the fighting part of this strange, enigmatic organization.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Energy weapons
Back in the Days (Specialization as pleases) OR Biologist OR Chemist OR

+5 to Rifles, Unarmed, Heavy Weapons, First Aid, Computer skills, Natural sciences, tactics, athletics, body control

Wattz 2000 Laser Pistol (military version)

Heckler & Koch G3 OR Ruger Mini 14 OR M 79 Grenade launcher OR Flambe 450 Flamethrower;

each of those tuned as the player likes

Uniform robes and boots

Dark, fittingly marked combat armor Mk. 1

15 + 1D6 * 10

Fast Shooter
Sharp Shooter

People's Guardsman (San Francisco):

Since the Shi threw out the Hubologist community, and since most of the tanker vagabonds moved on, only the Shi rule San Francisco. They call their military the “People's Guard” and soldiers are fittingly called People's Guardsmen (or Guardswomen).

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


I <3 San Francisco
Wǒ shuō zhōngguó
Energy weapons

+5 to unarmed, explosives, sneaking, athletics, rifles, heavy weapons and handguns


Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (civilian version) OR Wattz 2000 Laser Pistol (military version)
OR AK-112 OR Heckler & Koch G3; each of those tuned as the player likes

Boots and uniform

50 $ + 1D6 * 10 $

Fast shooter
Sharp Shooter
Boy scout (or girl scout)

Ranger of the New California republic:

The military of the New California Republic is a former mercenary group, that call themselves the New California Rangers and that try hard to hold up the republican ideal of equality – and that were created as a militant opposition to the slave trade. The rangers are mainly composed of infantry and cavalry and their main duty is patrolling.

Ranger Cavalryman:

Usually a Private First Class or corporal, fresh out of basic training and now on his first posting. Usually the Rangers choose their cavalrymen out of people who are already experienced with horses – and then give them a 4 week crash course.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Ranger tactical sign language
Sword fighting

+5 to Unarmed, Explosives, melee, Survival, Riding, Training, Tracking and Athletics

Field Utility & Combat Knife

Colt 6520
10 mm Pistol OR Colt Government 1911 A1 OR M35 Browning High-Power

STEN MP OR M3 Grease Gun OR Garand M1 OR Mauser K98k OR Remington Hunting shotgun


A big, military back pack

Boots and Uniform (clothing, no armor)

Steel helmet

Leather coat that reaches to the knees (armor stats of light leather jacket)

75 $ + 1D6 * 10 $

Fast Shooter
Sharp Shooter


Boy scout (or girl scout)

Horse whisperer

Ranger Infantryman:

Usually a Private First Class or corporal, fresh out of basic training and now on his first posting as the adventure starts.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Ranger tactical sign language

+5 to Unarmed, Explosives, Sneaking, Survival, Climbing, Tracking and Athletics

Field Utility & Combat Knife

Colt 6520 10 mm Pistol OR Colt Government 1911 A1 OR M35 Browning High-Power

Lee-Enfield STEN MP OR M3 Grease Gun OR Garand M1 OR Mauser K98k OR Remington Hunting shotgun

A big, military back pack

Boots and Uniform (clothing, no armor)

Steel helmet

Leather coat that reaches to the knees (armor stats of light leather jacket)

75 $ + 1D6 * 10 $

Fast Shooter
Sharp Shooter
Boy scout (or girl scout)

Vault City Guard:

In Vault-City, where naming conventions are generally a bit... different … they call their soldiers guards. Vault-City guards however also have policing powers and are not only there to fight. Since the city's defenses are based on computer controlled turrets, the guards' training focuses on maintaining internal security.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo (with Mutant Massacer)
I <3 Vault-City
Stick fighting

+5 to Handguns, Unarmed, Melee, Computer skills, Natural sciences and History


M35 Browning High Power

AK-112 OR MP5 OR Browning Auto 5

Boots and uniform (clothing – no armor)

300 $ + 1D6 * 100

One handed
Fast shooter
Theoretical Education



Burglars are part of the same class of run of the mill criminals as pick pockets: you'll find them pretty much everywhere. They earn their money by entering empty houses or shops, ideally without leaving a trace and looting articles of value that they sell somewhere else.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


I <3 *This City*
Salesman of the month

+15 to Lockpicking
+10 to
Sneaking, Pickpocket, Disguising, Tactics, trade/haggle

Dark clothing
small set of lockpicks

100 + 1D10 * 10 $

Small frame


The criminal counterpart of the bounty hunter (in so far as you can talk of criminals in a mostly lawless world). Hitmen are paid murderers, that are engaged to selectively kill one particular person. They usually work alone or in very small numbers. Hitmen trust few people, since their own loyalty can be bought as well, after all.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Boxing OR Judo
Cowboy OR Grunt

+5 to handguns, Rifles, melee, unarmed, tactics, lockpicking

Heavy leather armor OR light leather armor and dark leather coat that reaches to the knees

Two handguns up to 500$ each

Rifle up to 600 $

150 + 2D10 * 10$

Sharp Shooter
One handed


Pickpockets can be found, this really shouldn't be a surprise, in pretty much every bigger settlement and all cities. Full hordes of them, again not very surprising, in areas that don't offer a whole lot of other jobs. Not to loose something to a pickpocket in the Den and New Reno is a challenge  most visitors don't master.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo + Judorolle
Verkäufer des Monats

+10 to Pickpocket, Sneaking
+5 to
animation, tactics, Acrobatics

Cheap clothing
pocket knife

20 * Luck $

Small frame

Slave hunter:

Usually employed by the slavers guild in the Den, slave hunters are occupied with hunting the weak and defenseless and selling them for a profit in the Den or the outlying outposts of the guild. Those are usually people who don't know the words scruple or altruism.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo + Judo roll
Salesman of the month
Bondage artist

+5 to Handguns, Throwing, First Aid, Sneaking, Hunting traps, Knots, Trade/haggle
+10 to Unarmed, melee

1 * 10 m Rope
5 * 1 m rope

One handguns in the caliber 9mm, 10 mm or .45 ACP up to 500 $

A melee weapon of the kind “short and blunt” up to 70 $

Light leather armor

100 + 2D6 * 10 $

Heavy weight
one handed

Slave trader:

Usually employed by the slaver's guild in the Den, slave traders are the officers and officials of the guild. They decide which tribes or weak settlements will be raided and they are occupied with selling or buying human beings. Those are usually people who don't know the words scruple or altruism.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo + Judo roll
Salesman of the month OR Bargain hunter
I <3 The Den

+5 to handguns, first aid, trade/haggle, Riding OR Driving(cart), persuade/convince

pocket calculator

A handgun in the caliber 9mm, 10 mm or .45 ACP up to 500 $

Suit with shirt and tie or similiar

200 + 2D6 * 20 $

Bon vivant
Theoretical education

People persons:


Whether you learned healing people from the Followers of the Apocalypse or from another doctor or maybe even one or another military taught you how to patch together people – one way or another, few humans (or ghouls or super mutants) are that popular in the wasteland as an
experienced doctor.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Internist AND Surgeon
Biologist OR Chemist

+15 to Doctor, First Aid
+10 to
+5 to
Trade/haggle, teaching/instruction

Traveling clothes and white lab coat

3 Stimpaks
1 pill capsule of antibiotics or 4 pill capsules of headache pills
1 dose of antidote
1 first aid box
1 medic's bag

140 + 1D6 * 10

Nice guy (or gal)
Theoretical educations
Attentive Student


Even in the post nuclear Wasteland there are humans (and ghouls ans mutants) that specialize on entertaining people. In most cities this is done on the streets, in a few big cities you can actually earn good money with this, if you manage to get a gig in the right locations.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Motivational speaker
I <3 *This City* ← free choice of city
Musical instrument AND Sheet music OR Juggler

+15 to Disguising, Social adaptation, teaching/instruction, music, animation
+10 on
Carousing, Body control, throwing
+5 on
unarmed, acrobatics

IF musical instrument AND sheet music were chosen:
a portable musical instrument (free choice) and sheet music

IF Juggler was chosen:
Something cheap to juggle with (a few balls, cans, bowling pins, maybe even sickles or torches)

a few inflatable balloons

Fitting clothing

50 + 1D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Sex Appeal
Night Owl
Theoretical education
Bon vivant


Medics are not as well educated in medical matters as full fledged doctors – but still a lot better than any layman – and a lot better than the medical help most people in the Wasteland have available.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Field medic OR Emergency room medic

+15 to first aid
+10 to
doctor, empathy
+5 to
trade/haggle, teaching/instruction

traveling clothes
3 Stimpaks
2 pill capsules of headache pills
1 dose of antidote
1 first aid box
medic's bag

90 + 1D6 * 10

Nice guy (or gal)
Theoretical education
Attentive student


Even in the wasteland (or maybe especially there) people are looking for a cause, a why and a believe that not everything has to be bad or evil. Pretty much all religions of the pre war time still exist – and added to them, many a new cult. The wild tribes often have their own shamans and many other groups worship one or another “relic”.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Motivational speaker
I <3 *This City* OR Home on the Road
Back in the days (church history)

+10 to Empathy, History, persuade/convince, teaching/instruction, music

A robe, fitting the religion (black soutane, the purple of the Children of the Cathedral, etc)

One or two relics, fitting the faith (bible and crucifix for example, or Tora and Menora, Holy Diode and Holy Screwdriver, Horn that was a gift of the great Brahmin God in heaven …)

50 + 1 D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Spiritual Aura


Prostitution is hardly unknown in the wasteland. You'll find people, mostly female humans, but men as well, as well as ghouls and even a few super mutants, selling their bodies on streets, in brothels or bath houses. In the NCR, prostitution is illegal, though usually the cops tend to look away as long as no pimp is involved. Some policemen abuse the whole thing and get their “bribe” as payment in kind.
Other established settlements have, of course, their own approach to the whole buisness.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


1 <3 *This City*

+5 to unarmed OR melee weapons
+5 to
empathy, disguising, beguile/seduce, trade/haggle, carousing, acrobatics

Two sets of clothing (1 set of normal every day clothes, 1 set of “work clothes”)


Two pair of shoes (as with the clothing)

Knife of choice, as long as it's small or very small


90 + 1D6 * 5

Nice guy (or gal)
Sex Appeal
Night owl
Bon vivant


Teachers teach in schools, often not only children but also adults. Schools won't be found everywhere, but the more successful, more affluent settlements are usually very proud of their small schools and the village teacher.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Wǒ shuō zhōngguó
Ablo Espagnol
Back in the Days
Musical instrument

+10 to teaching/instruction

+5 to Natural sciences, History, Geography and Politics, persuade/convince

2-4 fitting books (“Basic Level Biology” for example, either printed before the war or copied afterwards)

A small, pre war pocket calculator

a note book or writing pad

30 + 2 D6 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Technical Freak
Theoretical Education



Couriers are the backbone of the long distance communication in the Wastes. While they are being slowly replaced by telegraph and radios in the NCR, they are irreplaceable for the rest of the wasteland. Most couriers are full ow wanderlust and have often have their very own favorite route
that they know like the backside of their hands. Usually they transport letters, but also many low weight/high value items.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Home on the Road

+5 to Athletics, Survival, Handguns, Throwing, Sneaking, Geography and Politics, climbing, sensual acuity

Machete OR Hatchet

Handgun of choice in one of the following calibers: 9mm, 10 mm, .45 ACP, .32 Browning, .44-40 Colt or .44 Magnum

Big backpack, water bottle, cheap binoculars

A set of fitting clothes, boots, coat with the armor stats of heavy clothing or light leather jacket

40$ + 1 D6 * 20

Strong Willed
Boy scout (or girl scout)


Even, or maybe especially, in the post apocalyptic wasteland there are drugs. Starting with old fashioned alcohol to pre war products like Buffout and Psycho to the newly developed Jet. While there are casual users, there are many people that have become full time addicts. Those victims of
their addictions use any and all methods to earn the money for their next fix, often resorting to petty crimes and even prostitution.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Bargain hunter
Herbal lore
Biologist OR Chemist

+15 to Carousing, Pickpocket
+10 to
gambling, Sneaking
+5 to
trade/haggle, persuade/convince, beguile/seduce, animation

3 times the drug of choice

1 dose of another drug

very cheap, worn clothing

One cheap pocket knife

1 D100 * 2$ (repeatable)

Faster Addiction
Night Owl
Bon vivant
Addicted to …
Gamma-Gulp Epicure

Prize fighter:

Prize fighters are individuals, that roam the wasteland from settlement to settlement to, on the one hand, learn new fighting styles and on the other hand, to challenge the best fighters of those settlements – for money and glory. Many of them travel as caravan guards and then remain a while at that settlement, learn something, work something, beat up or someone get beaten up by someone and move on.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo OR Boxing OR Kung-Fu (Two of the three, after consulting with the master with one(!) of the special techniques)


+15 to Unarmed, Body control
+10 to
Acrobatics, Athletics
+5 to
First Aid, Melee

Any handgun for up to 600 $

Boxing gloves (with or without lead inlays)

Quartz sand gloves OR knuckle dusters

Heavy Boots OR Steel capped boots

Fitting travel clothes and fitting sports clothes

90 + 1 D100 * 2 $

Heavy Weight
Bon Vivant
Strong Willed

Traveling musician:

Traveling musician are entertainers that love to travel – or beggars that make a racket, depending on your perspective. Usually they play along their way on each and every way point, or they stay in one town or city for a while, before getting back on the road and finding a new town.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Musical instrument (twice)
Home on the Road AND I <3 *This City* OR Twice Home on the Road
Sheet music

+10 to Empathy, Geography and Politics, beguile/seduce, music, animation, sensual acuity

1 or 2 PORTABLE Musical instruments

1 set of traveling clothes

1 Handgun up to 400 $

60 $ + 1 D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Night Owl
Theoretical Education
Bon Vivant

Traveling salesman: Free trader

Traveling free traders are merchants, that have their shops on the streets or on market places. Since they don't have a big warehouse at their disposal, their wares are usually items that weigh little (or are small) and cost much. Some of them have specialized on certain groups of wares, for example chems and medicines or weapons or tools or clothes etc., but most traveling salesmen buy and sell everything they can fit onto their carts.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


One further language of choice (tribal language, Spanish, Chinese … )
Home on the Road
Bargain Hunter OR Salesman of the month
Stable boy (or girl)

+15 to Geography and Politics, Driving(carts), Trade/haggle
+10 to
persuade/convince, Training, Social Adaptation
+5 to
cooking, Athletics, Crafting, gun smiting, Survival

A brahmin cart including brahmin, half full with wares of choice (definitely agree on that with the master!)

A set of traveling clothes

A handgun and rifle, each up to 600 $

300 + 2 * 1 D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Sex Appeal
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Bon Vivant
Late to bed, early to rise

Traveling salesman: Trading outfit

Traveling free traders are merchants, that have their shops on the streets or on market places. Those of them, that work directly for one of the three great trading outfits (i.e. the Crimson Caravans, the Far Go Traders or the Slavers Guild) operate slightly different than common free traders. The exact business model varies strongly between these three outfits, which is why we suggest looking up the correct model for your character under “World – Economy and Trading – The great Trading Outfits and Centers”.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


One further language of choice (tribal language, Spanish, Chinese … )
Home on the Road
Bargain Hunter OR Salesman of the month
Stable boy (or girl)

+15 to Geography and Politics, Driving(carts), Trade/haggle
+10 to
persuade/convince, Training, Social Adaptation
+5 to
cooking, Athletics, Crafting, gun smiting, Survival

A brahmin cart including brahmin, half full with wares of choice (definitely agree on that with the master!)

A set of traveling clothes

A handgun and rifle, each up to 600 $

300 + 2* 1 D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Sex Appeal
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Bon Vivant
Late to bed, early to rise



A carpenter is someone that works wood to create furniture, but also living space. From work tables to huts to a cement storage facility, a carpenter builds it all. Usually mostly out of wood. Most carpenters have their own workshop, but there are also traveling carpenters that take jobs of
opportunity everywhere.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Bargain Hunter OR Salesman of the month
I <3 *This City* OR Wanderlust

+15 to Repairing (Mechanics), Crafting
+10 to Trade/haggle, Athletics
+5 to First Aid

Sturdy work clothes

Fitting tools out of the equipment list “tools” for up to 600$

[A WORKSHOP must be agreed upon with the master!]

200 $ + 1 D100 $

Nice guy (or gal)
Late to bed, early to rise
Theoretical education
attentive student


Electricians are humans (or ghouls or very rarely super mutants) that know their way around circuits and similar things. Generators, light bulbs or radios, they are all a trivial task to fix or even build for an electrician.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Plastics Expert

+15 to Repairing(electronics)
+10 to
Computer skills, repairing (mechanics), crafting
+5 to
natural sciences

Sturdy work clothes

Fitting tools out of the equipment list “tools” for up to 500$

[A WORKSHOP must be agreed upon with the master!]

280$ + 1 D100 $

Night Owl
Technical Freak
Theoretical Education
Attentive Student


Furrier are people that have specialized on working with leather. It's them, that make leather out of Brahmin and Gecko skins – and then keep working that leather to turn it, for example, into clothing or armor.
Furriers usually have their own workshop in which they work on the skins with more or less complex, chemical processes. This isn't really an occupation that lends itself to traveling much.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


I <3 *This City*
Leather tanning
Bargain hunter OR Salesman of the month
Herbal lore OR Chemist

+15 to Crafting
+10 to
+5 to
Natural sciences

Leather apron

Fitting tools out of the equipment list “tools” for up to 600$

[A WORKSHOP must be agreed upon with the master!]

270 + 1 D100 $

Nice Guy (or Girl)
Theoretical Education


Hackers are IT specialists that know how to access Data that they really shouldn't have access to.
Passwords and encryptions are obstacles that Hackers bypass routinely.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:



+15 to Computer skills
+10 to
+5 to
Natural sciences, persuade/convince

Influenza Computer virus on HD

A screw driver

A six pack Nuka Cola

200$ + 1 D100$

Night Owl
Technical Freak
Theoretical Education
Attentive Student


A smith is a person that works and processes metal. Usually they have their own workshop or share one with other smiths (even in the wasteland, there are still apprentices, journeymen or masters, though not quite as formal as elsewhere before the Great War). The metal that they work stems
mostly from before the War, but there are also a few newly opened mines. A post apocalyptic smith often operates his own smelter and forms a workpiece from smelting to every other production step to the finished, complex tool (or whatever else he's producing).
Smiths are quite often tinkerers and innovators that try to create something new.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Bargain Hunter OR Salesman of the month
I <3 *This City*

+15 to Repairing (mechanics), crafting
+10 to
Trade/haggle, Athletics, gun smiting
+5 to
First Aid

Leather apron

Fitting tools out of the equipment list “tools” for up to 600$

[A WORKSHOP must be agreed upon with the master!]

250$ + 1 D100$

Nice guy (or girl)
Late to bed, early to rise
Theoretical education
attentive student


Tailors are people that craft clothing. Usually they have a small workshop, often combined with a small sales area. The especially well off tailor has sewing machines and tools to ply his craft with leather, the poorer ones have needle and thread. Cloth comes usually from pre War rests – or is spun and weaved by the tailors themselves, usually from cotton or of the wool of mutated bighorner sheep. 

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Bargain Hunter OR Salesman of the month

+15 to Repairing (Mechanics), Crafting
+10 to
Disguising, Knots, Trade/haggle
+5 to
First Aid

Swiss Army knife

Revolving punch pliers

Various scissors and needles

Threads and cloths

100$ + 1 D100$

Nice Guy (or Gal)
Late to bed, early to rise
Theoretical education
attentive student


Tinkerer are people that enjoy taking old junk and turning it into something useful. Whether they just repair some old device or turn one or more devices into something completely new, they usually go from project to project and spend pretty much all waking moments building something.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Plastics expert
Bargain hunter OR Salesman of the month
Chemist OR Physicist

+15 to Crafting, Repairing (mechanics), Repairing (electronics)
+10 to
Gun smithing
+5 to
First Aid, Computer skills

Robust work clothes

Fitting tools out of the equipment list for tools up to 550 $

[A WORKSHOP has to be agreed to with the Master!]

260 $ + 1 D100 $

Technical freak
Theoretical education
Hobby = KABLAMM!

Wilderness dwellers:


Farmer are found often in the Wasteland. It's an arduous, often even dangerous occupation to work the contaminated earth, even in the peaceful inner parts of the NCR where raiders are no real threat. Farmers, as opposed to Ranchers, are specialists in growing fruits, vegetables and grains. While they usually keep animals around, they spend most of their time on their fields.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Salesman of the Month
Stable boy (or girl)
Herbal lore

+15 to Survival, Training
+5 to
First Aid, Repairing (Mechanics), Crafting, Natural sciences, Trade/haggle, Athletics

One set of fitting clothing (flap trousers and plaid shirt, for example)

Machete And Hatchet

OR any handgun up to 500$

[FARM and Farmequipment (Shovels, plows, Brahmin, etc. must be agreed upon with the master!]

80 + 1D6 * 10$

Horse Whisperer
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Attentive student


There are many wild animals worth hunting in the wasteland. Geckos for example are hunted both for their skins and their meat, and several other animals as well. Hunters take down those animals with rifles and primitive traps, they then use all of the dead animal and sell those parts they don't have a use for themselves.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Leather tanning

+5 to Rifles, Bow and arrow, Sneaking, Survival, Tracking, Hunting traps, knots

Leather clothing

Springfield '03
OR Widowmaker OR Hunting Rifle OR Mosin-Nagant OR K98k OR Garand OR Revolver Rifle OR Winchester 73

60 + 2 D10 * 10 $

Sharp Shooter
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Late to bed, early to rise


Closely related to the Farmer, the rancher is someone that has specialized himself (or herself) on the breeding and keeping of certain farm animals. As with similar occupations, the life of a rancher is an arduous one.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Salesman of the month OR Bargain Hunter
Leather tanning
Stable boy (or girl)

+15 to Training, Riding
+10 to
Survival, Trade/haggle, Athletics, Knots, Driving (carts)

One set fitting clothes, including a Stetson or similar

A handgun up to 500 $

A fitting knife of choice

100 + 1 D100$

Horse Whisperer
Boy scout (or girl)
attentive student


There are many wild animals worth hunting in the wasteland. Geckos for example are hunted both for their skins and their meat, and several other animals as well. Trappers disdain guns but prefer to build rather complex traps to capture and kill the animals and they then use all of the dead animal and sell those parts they don't have a use for themselves.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Leather tanning
Bondage artist
Salesman of the month

+15 to Hunting traps, Knots
+5 to
Rifles, Bow an arrow, Survival, Tracking

Leather clothes

A handgun up to 400 $ for the finishing shot

Several meters good rope

Swiss Army knife

A knife of choice (including Bowie) up to 50 $

60 + 2 D10 * 10 $

Boy Scout (or Girl)
Late to bed, early to rise


There are numerous small groups – or even single persons – that live mostly cut off from all other groups. Whether they keep hidden or just live in rather difficult to reach areas, varies from group to group. But however different two groups of survivors are, one thing they all have in common: they live of the land and that mostly rather well.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Leather tanning
Emergency room medic
Herbal lore
One COMBAT extraordinary skill fitting the weapon

+15 to Survival
+10 to
Tracking, throwing
+5 to
Handguns, Rifles, Bow and arrow, unarmed, melee

Leather clothes

Several meters of good ropes

Pocket knife

A weapon of choice up to 450 $

40 + 1 D10 * 10 $

Horse whisperer
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Late to bed, early to rise


The members of the mostly primitive tribes – of which some are remnants from before the Great War while most however founded themselves afterwards – are called Tribals. They distinguish themselves from the “civilized people” by being less sedentary and by killing each others with
spears and arrows, rather than with pistols and rifles.

Hunter and gatherer:

Hunters and gatherers are responsible for making sure that the tribe does not suffer hunger. They – this shouldn't come as a surprise – hunt animals and gather plant foodstuff. They usually act in small teams.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Herbal lore
Judo (with Brahmin-Tackle)
With sticks and stones
Other language(that of the tribe)
Dog Handler

+15 to Unarmed, melee and Bow and arrow
+10 to
Sneaking, Survival, hunting traps, tracking
+5 to
climbing, Acrobatics, Athletics

A knife of choice (including Bowie) up to 50 $

A spear OR four sharpened stick or hunting bow and twenty wooden arrows

Fitting clothes

40 + 1 D6 * 10

Boy scout (or girl scout)


Shamans are the spiritual leaders of the tribes. Their exact duties vary strongly from tribe to tribe, just like their regard within the tribe. Since the tribal religions differ greatly from each other, we can't say too much about this part of the shamans' work. Their other main duty however is the
mixing of Broc Flower and Xander Root to create healing powders and the treatment of all wounds of the tribe.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo (with Brahmin-Tackle)
Herbal lore
Other language (that of the tribe)
Field medic OR Emergency Room medic

+15 to Doctor, First Aid
+10 to
Empathy, Natural sciences, teaching/instruction
+5 to
Survival, persuade/convince, carousing, sensual acuity

A knife of choice (including Bowie) up to 50 $ OR Machete

4 doses of healing powders

Fitting clothes

[Please talk to the Master about religious relics or stuff like that!]

60 + 1 D6 * 10

Nice guy (or gal)
Theoretical Education
Boy Scout (or girl scout)
Attentive student
Spiritual Aura


Tribal warriors defend the tribe from raids through others – or raid others to steal something from them. While their armament closely resembles that of their hunting and gathering fellows, warriors are rarely interested in butchering their “prey”.

Experience level:

Extraordinary skills:

Skill bonuses:

Starting equipment:

Starting capital:

Fitting traits:


Judo (with Brahmin-Tackle)
With sticks and stones
Other language (that of the tribe)
Sword fighting

+15 to Unarmed, melee, Bow and arrow
+10 to
Sneaking, Tactics
+5 to
Climbing, Acrobatics, Athletics, Body control

A knife of choice (including Bowie) up to 50 $ OR Machete

Spear OR Hunting bow and 20 wooden arrows OR Kali sticks OR two Tomahawks OR Wolf claws

Fitting clothing

40 + 1 D6 * 10

Heavy Weight
Boy scout (or girl scout)
Attentive Student
Strong Willed

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