
Population density:


Governmental system:

Who currently reigns:



Electrical power supply:

Vehicle provision:

Livestock provision:

Average education:

What the law says about:

→ Theft
→ Murder
→ Assault
→ Drugs
→ Gambling
→ Cheating at gambling
→ Prostitution
→ Alcohol

Average prices for:

→ Iguana-on-a-stick
→ Nuka-Cola
→ A good, stomach filling lunch
→ A liter of clear, filtered water
→ A Jet Canister
→ A good room for the night
→ A bath

This city in three words:

ca. 600 humans


Directly elected mayor, no legislative, jury-trials when needed

Mayor Anthony Ascorti
Sheriff Earl “Maid“ Marion


Elected Sherrif.

Several small, former diesel generators that are now run with bio-diesel/booze and are mostly used to power the mining machines.

Bio-diesel/booze, wood and charcoal. Just a bit of electrical power.

Brahmin and horses are well cared for, due to the high count of caravans passing through.

Low to middling.

public hanging
compensation and/or exile, depending on severity
Legal (Details about the jet addiction further down)
Compensation and exile, occasionally tarring and feathering
Very, extremely legal

→ about 3 $
→ about 5 $ (store price)
→ about 10 $
→ about 7 $
→ about 10 $
→ about 25 $
→ about 50 $

Miners, gold & intrigues

Redding is a town in which nearly everything revolves around gold. The people there are mostly hard working miners or hardy farmers that supply the miners and even harder moonshiners.


The gold mines of Redding were only rediscovered about fifteen years ago and the settlement grew quickly.

Overview of the districts

Downtown: The burgeoning life of Redding – especially the night life. Here the miners meet after their twelve hour shifts in the mines to relax. Some of them relax so hard, that they spend the time until the next morning in Sheriff Marion’s cells. In Downtown one can find, right next to each other,
the Sheriff's office, Mayor Ascorti’s “Ascorti’s Ace”, Reddings best gambling den, the famous “Malamute Saloon” as well as many smaller bars and of course, also the practice of ‘Painless’ Doc Johnson.

The mining camps: The main residential area and the economic center of the town. Here, one findes the Kokoweef Mines, led by Marge LeBarge as well as Dan McGrew’s Morningstar Mine. The miners mostly sleep in the dormitories of the Mines. Two other important places in the mining
camps are the ‘Last Gasp Saloon’, Redding’s funeral parlor and best bar in the mining camps and the Molerat-Mambo.

The closer surroundings: Around Redding many satellite farms can be found, that supply the town. The farmers and especially the ranchers that have their acres and meadows in the valleys and hills. Sometimes one can also find adventurous (and often dangerous) persons, that are prospecting for gold in the hills and try to find new deposits. These people don’t like it when strangers come too close and usually shoot first.

Foreign policy position

Redding finds itself in the pitiable situation of a fat brahmin between three separate, hungry and lonely wolves. New Reno’s families, especially the Mordinos, the New California Republic and Vault-City all want Redding’s gold. In the next few years, Redding must invariably decide for one
of those parties. Otherwise, one of them will undoubtedly overrun the town militarily.
Redding needs protection and an alliance, but the citizens are not quite sure yet, which party they prefer.

Important persons

Mayor Anthony Ascorti: The directly elected mayor, casino owner and one of the three richest people of the town is in favor of Redding remaining independent, according to the old motto: trade with all, have no close relationship to any. He has a silver tongue and the great talent to see an opportunity in every situation.
Anthony Ascorti is a big, well muscled, black human.

Sheriff Earl 'Maid' Marion: The Sheriff is a supporter of the NCR and always happy to greet an NCR Ranger. He keeps law and order in the town. Redding has no need of complicated laws. Instead, the citizens trust the elected Sheriff to hold up the social consensus on what is considered law and order. Marion does this so well, that he has been reelected for the sixth time in a row.

Marge LeBarge: Marge is a strong, white woman of middle age. She was born in Canada near Lake Lebarge and moved the long way south in her childhood with her family. She is the owner and manager of the Kokoweef Mine and belongs more or less to the NCR faction. She despises the violent troopers and mafiagangs of New Reno and is of the firm opinion, that Vault-City will degrade herself, all her friends and co-citizens to second class citizens. That does not mean, that she is enamored to the NCR – the republic is simply the best of the three bad alternatives in her view.

'Dangerous' Dan McGrew: The owner of the Morningstar Mine is a rather small, but very muscular and broadly built man around 40. He cares for his miners, but rarely puts their interestes above those of the mine. He is a strong believer in personal freedom. For this reason he supports New Reno’s Mordino family in their efforts to take control of Redding. He is of the conviction, that the NCR wants to turn Redding to little more than another new speck on their rapidly expanding maps. New Reno’s families however are so divided amongst themselves, that Redding should be able to keep nearly complete autonomy.

Louise: Only known by her first name, she is an older woman and proprietor of the Malamute Saloon. Her days as a beauty may be over, but not completely forgotten. She has a very pronounced sense of business and helps the prostitutes in her store, after all, they bring in customers. Her sense of business however does not include mutants – they are forbidden from entering her locale. She is very observant of the situation with the three power blocks vying for control of Redding – but has yet to decide on a side.

Caminetto: The foreman of the Kokoweef Mine is a muscular, white man around thirty. He works hard and is one of the residents of Redding that relaxes hardest – often, in Marion’s drunk tank. He does not approve of the workforce of the Morningstar Mine and he and Blasphemous Bette have to be kept from brawling often.

Blasphemous Bette: The forewoman of the Morningstar Mine is a strong, young, white woman that loves to cuss often and vigorously, a habit that probably explains her nickname. If she truly hates someone, it’s Caminetto. Like Caminetto, she supports the political views and plans of her boss, Dangerous Dan McGrew.

'Painless' Doc Johnson: Reddings only doctor is a reed-thin, white male around 50. He repacks the Jet deliveries coming from New Reno into single dose canisters, mostly, to keep the addicted miners halfway healthy – better that he does it, than a quack with rusty tools, is his opinion on that matter. He is of the firm conviction, that Vault-City would be the best choice for Redding and closes his eyes to the bad treatment of non-citizens.

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